ROS 2 文档
机器人操作系统(The Robot Operating System / ROS) 是一系列用于构建机器人应用的软件库和工具包的集合 从驱动和算法最佳实现到强大的开发者工具,ROS 提供了你下一个机器人项目所需的开源工具。
自从 ROS 于 2007 年启动以来,机器人领域和 ROS 社区发生了很多变化。 ROS2 的目标是适应这些变、保留 ROS1 的优势并改进不足之处。
你是否在寻找特定 ROS 包的文档,如 MoveIt、image_proc 或 octomap? 请查看 ROS Index 或查看 所有包的文档目录。
本站点包含 ROS 2 的文档,如果你正在寻找 ROS 1 的文档,请查看 ROS wiki。
如果你的工作中用到了 ROS 2,请参考 引用 来引用 ROS 2。
本文档是由 Robook 维护的 ROS 2 官方文档的非官方中文翻译,所有文档均由人工校对,目的是降低简体中文网络上充斥的大量的机器翻译的低质量文档的影响,使得由于种种原因(暂时)无法使用英语阅读原始资源的用户可以准确有效地获取 ROS 2 的相关信息,而不被低质量信息磨灭探索的热情。
同时,我们鼓励读者尽可能使用文档被编写的语言直接阅读文档,降低可能因翻译带来的潜在的误解或含义的增损。因此,我们也在 术语表 提供了一个翻译对照表,以便读者可以更好地理解原文和译文之间的关系。
ROS 2 项目
如果你对 ROS 2 项目的进展感兴趣:
贡献到 ROS 2 的最佳实践和方法,以及迁移现有 ROS 1 内容到 ROS 2 的方法
从过去到现在所有的 ROS 2 发行版本
Features in the current release
Ideas for nice-to-have features that are not under active development
Planned work for ROS 2 development
Presentations by the community on ROS 2
Information about the ROS Technical Steering Committee, Working Groups, and upcoming events
Downloadable marketing materials
ROS 社区资源
如果你需要帮助、有想法或想为项目做出贡献,请访问我们的 ROS 社区资源。
Official ROS Discord Channel for discussion and support (ROS 1, ROS 2)
Robotics Stack Exchange - community Q&A website (ROS 1, ROS 2)
See Contact Page for more information
ROS Discourse (ROS 1, ROS 2)
Forum for general discussions and announcements for the ROS community
See the Contact Page for more information
ROS Index (ROS 1, ROS 2)
Indexed list of all packages (i.e. Python Package Index (PyPI) for ROS packages)
See which ROS distributions a package supports
Link to a package’s repository, API documentation, or website
Inspect a package’s license, build type, maintainers, status, and dependencies
Get more info for a package on Robotics Stack Exchange
ROS resource status page (ROS 1, ROS 2)
Check the current status of ROS resources like Discourse or the ROS build farm.
通用 ROS 项目资源
ROS Enhancement Proposals (REPs) (ROS 1, ROS 2)
Proposals for new designs and conventions
ROS Robots (ROS 1, ROS 2)
Showcases robots projects from the community
Instructions on how to contribute a robot
ROS Wiki (ROS 1)
ROS 1 documentation and user modifiable content
Active until at least the last ROS 1 distribution is EOL (ROS 1, ROS 2)
ROS 1 and ROS 2 product landing page, with high-level description of ROS and links to other ROS sites
Official ROS Vimeo Channel (ROS 1, ROS 2)
Videos of ROSCon Talks, community and working group meetings, and project demos.
ROSCon website (ROS 1, ROS 2)
ROSCon is our annual ROS developer conference.
This page also lists regional ROS events like ROSConJP and ROSConFr.
Open Source Robotics Foundation official events calendar
This calendar is for official OSRF Events and working group meetings.
Open Source Robotics Foundation community calendar
This calendar is for unofficial ROS community events.
ROS on social media
@OpenRoboticsOrg and @ROSOrg on Twitter
Visit the Open Source Robotics Foundation website
Tax deductible charitable donations to the Open Source Robotics Foundation can be sent via DonorBox.
ROS Answers (ROS 1, ROS 2)
ROS Answers was the ROS community Q&A website, until August, 2023. ROS Answers is currently available as a read-only resource.
API documentation up to and including Galactic
Early design decisions behind ROS 2 development
New design proposals should be submitted via ROS Enhancement Proposals (REPs)